Learn how to release stress, have more fun and gain respect from your horse.
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I was in my 30’s before I learned that “loving yourself” was a “thing”. I didn’t know you could love yourself and not be seen as cocky or vain. I always thought humble was safest and giving all my energy to others was the way to go. It took a
nervous breakdown “spiritual awakening” to realize I needed to look after myself, to love and respect myself in order for others to do the same in return. I’m still a work in progress and I think we all are, but I can look in the mirror and say I love you now. When I started this journey of self-love I couldn’t even say it out loud nevermind look myself in the eyes and say it.
By practicing self-love I’ve experienced many shifts that I want for you as well. While learning to love myself I learned all kinds of techniques and healing methods I can use to help you along your way. Through 30 days of coaching and healing you will also learn to love yourself or if you already do, love yourself at a deeper level.
You will notice through your own healing that your horses and loved ones treat you different and look at you differently. As you love and appreciate yourself your light shines brighter and I found my horses were the first to notice. You become an energy they WANT to be around. Your own improvement in the area of sense of self will improve your horses sense of self and confidence.
You will find people treat you better. After all, how we treat ourselves is how we show others how we’d like to be treated.
As the confidence in myself grows, my confidence in my horses and our performance also grows. It’s been a huge part of my own mental toughness in a competition setting. By loving and respecting myself more I care less about what other people think and focus on my own “stuff”. I know I’m a good person despite what my performance might look like. Because I have a strong sense of self, I don’t need my results in the arena to validate my worth. I want this for you too.
Some of the great side effects of this program and journey will be:
Less stress
Improved confidence
Respect from others
More fun
An increase in positive opportunities
Less anxiety
Less confrontation
Improved relationships with loved ones and animals
Less procrastination
More happiness and zest for life
Improved boundaries with others
Reaching dreams and goals
How you think and feel about yourself has a direct effect on the reality you are creating for yourself. Through this series of emails, audio recordings, videos and behind the scenes healing, you will find yourself more empowered and ready to design the life you dream of. It all starts with a solid foundation of self-love.
You will receive an email every day that that shouldn’t take more than 5-15 minutes of your time. They will be powerful, to the point tips. They will vary in length and format switching between text, audio recording, and video. Self-love is a practice, so you can expect some homework!
Series starts May 10th, 2017
Join me in changing your life for the better!
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