Michelle is standing next to her horse smiling. Text on the image reads: Untangled Holidays Episode 39 Unbridled Living with Michell Davey

Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 39: Untangled Holidays

Between Christmas and Holiday gatherings this time of year, things can get to feeling like a little much. So many feelings and history wrapped up in one occasion where we come together and (most of us) try to act “normal”. In this episode, I share some thoughts on how to not just cope, but to make the most of the occasion and feel peace in your heart. I share several energy tools that I hope will help you make this the best season ever. If you’re catching this one later, you can apply the ideas to any occasion where things can feel awkward and hard.


Key Discussion Points:

  • Emotional Challenges During the Holidays: How the holiday season can spark feelings of awkwardness and discomfort as it brings up past traumas and family dynamics.
  • Empathy and Sensitivity: Understanding the experiences of empaths and highly sensitive people during gatherings, and how these can amplify the emotional climate of the holiday season.
  • Managing Awkward Situations: Practical tips for dealing with uncomfortable conversations, setting energetic boundaries using visualization techniques like the “rose exercise.”
  • Politics and Family: Navigating politically charged discussions with family and focusing on love and connection instead.
  • Perspective and Growth: Emphasizing the importance of giving grace to oneself and others, recognizing personal growth and the transformation of family dynamics over time.
  • Nervous System Regulation: Techniques to stay grounded and maintain a sense of peace, including breathing exercises and maintaining authentic communication.

Recommended Resources:

  • Untangled Holidays course (previously offered by Michelle Davey)
  • “Rose Exercise” technique for setting energetic boundaries
  • Jeffrey Allen (Energy Healer and Teacher)

Memorable Quotes:

  • “Give yourself grace and just recognizing, oh, this isn’t mine what I’m feeling right now, it’s not even mine.”
  • “Show up with compassion, authenticity, being yourself. And you can intentionally show up with peace and love and joy in your heart.”
  • “Focus on everyone wants the best for our country, but people see things differently and that’s okay, that we can still love each other for the people who we are.”

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