Episode 7: How to get out of a rut
Whether you’re in a rut now or have been there before, listen to this episode for tips on how to get out of a rut.
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When you feel stuck and you haven’t been moving forward like you want, it can be really frustrating. Sometimes we feel like we’re moving backwards. It’s easy to get stuck in the energy of being stuck and then things get even stickier. The more we focus on how we aren’t where we want to be, the deeper we dig in the rut.
So what can we do to get out of a rut?
First, I’d start with asking yourself if you are really in a rut or do you just “feel” like you’re in a rut. Is it possible that this is where you’re supposed to be right now? Are there lessons you need to learn right here in this spot?
I actually recommend sitting in the energy of your rut and leaning into the emotions and feelings that come up. Are there limitations that are holding you back? Are there stories that you’ve been telling yourself? Are there stories that others have been telling you? Are your feelings well-founded? Or did your ego make up some stories to make you feel like you’re supposed to be somewhere other than where you’re at? Maybe you’re comparing yourself to others, which makes you feel like you’re in a rut. Are you being fair to yourself?
Another way to think about your rut is by removing yourself. Imagine you are looking at this situation from the outside. Can you see all the others struggling around you? Is your situation really as bad as all the meaning you’re giving it? Is it a bad day or a bad moment?
These exercises are about taking a different perspective. Often, when we do this, we realize our situation isn’t as bad as we thought it was. Things only have the meaning we give them, so there is an opportunity to change the meaning we attach to our situation.
Maybe just a switch in perspective will help you get out of a rut, but here are some other ideas:
- Get into gratitude. Start writing lists of things you have to be grateful for.
This is the best way to get out of the energy of “lack”. I challenge you to write down three things you’re grateful for each day. Celebrate all that you have. - Start asking “how can it get any better than this?” instead of asking “how could it get any worse than this?” We will start to see the answers to the questions we ask, so it’s important to ask good questions.
- Do something different. If you’re struggling with barrel racing, go trail riding. If you’re struggling with running, try lifting weights. If you’re not exercising, start exercising. Read a book, listen to upbeat music, meditate, go for a swim, take an art class, go ziplining, get some reiki, get your hair cut, go to the garden and dig in some dirt. Do something to get your mind off where you “aren’t” and raise your vibe.
If you really want to amp up your results and get out of a rut quick, do all three, but really start with just sitting in the rut and looking around. I don’t recommend running from your feelings or avoiding the lessons.
If you try all the things I’ve offered here and you still feel like you’re in a difficult place, go talk to a professional. You’d be surprised how getting some things off your chest can help turn things around.
- look around your rut
- get into gratitude
- ask how much better can it get?
- do things that you love or try something new that will raise your vibe
Be patient with yourself and remember there’s a reason for where you’re at right now. Likely this “rut” is going to come with the opportunity for growth.