If you don’t love yourself, who will?
Sorry, not sorry for the tough love! But we teach others how to treat us, based on how we treat ourselves.
No, I don’t mean go and buy yourself a bunch of expensive stuff and all your people will start buying you expensive stuff.
What I mean it that if you keep promises to yourself (like looking after you), respect yourself and love yourself you will find that others respect you and your boundaries more too.
In this 10 day Love Yourself Challenge we’re going to do one task each day to start or restart the self-love train!
I can see what you’re doing already….. it starts October 22nd and you’ve got something going on between then and the next 10 days so it’s not going to work for you. You’re going to miss a day. Stop. Right. Now. If you’ve got time to take a pee, brush your teeth or have a shower, you’ll have time to do this challenge each day.
I’m going to take away your “I don’t have the money” excuse right now too. It’s free – well, free with a catch. By the end of the 10 days I need you to have done a good deed for someone. Anyone – someone you know, or not. You can buy someone a coffee, carry groceries, or mail someone a Stride Wear T Shirt as a surprise (good idea right there 😉 ). Whatever you want, but it needs to be something you’ve never done before and I need you to take action when you think of it.
The 10 Day Love Yourself Challenge is going to be hosted in a Facebook group.
After you sign up here, go find the Self Love Challenge With Michelle Private Group on Facebook. I will then approve you as long as you’ve signed up here.
Each day you’ll get a task for the day and from now until then I”ll be posted some inspiring quotes to set the stage for the challenge.
SORRY…… challenge is in progress. Add your name below if you want to be notified about what I’ve got coming next!