Learn Mindset Skills And Actually Use Them!
It’s through practice, that skills become second nature.

Enrollment Closes February 8th In:
You know you need a solid set of mindset skills to carry you through the highs and lows of competing with horses.
But why does it feel like such a struggle?
Whenever you enter the competition arena you feel like:
〰You’re light headed and unable to focus
〰You feel like you might throw up
〰You can’t remember all the things you’ve been practicing
〰You’re overwhelmed with doubt and insecurity
Or maybe after you compete you find yourself:
〰Trying to remember what happened out there
〰Frustrated and ready to throw in the towel
And even when you’re sure you want to achieve a goal:
〰You find yourself dragging your heels
〰Avoiding the hard stuff
Just because we love to compete and we love to spend time with our horses doesn’t mean you’re naturally equipped to deal with the adversity that comes with horses.
Luckily you’re smart and your brain has the ability to continue to learn new ways no matter what your age.
Imagine what it will be like when:
✔You’re able to step into the arena with poise and focus
✔You remember your runs and ride the stride
✔Your butterflies now fly in formation
✔You take affirmative action on tasks that move you towards your goals
✔You no longer connect the outcome with your self-worth
✔You’re able to move on from mis-steps without a second thought.
✔Your new presence is well received by your horse
There’s a simple solution to reaching this state of mind and seeing the results you dream of in the arena.
It starts with taking personal responsibility for your results, and looks like showing up for yourself.
You are the primary driver for changes to your brain.
Your brain can grow and change your entire life, but if you don’t “exercise” it, it doesn’t exercise itself.
Just like watching an exercise video doesn’t make you fit, watching a mindset video isn’t going to build your mindset muscle.
It might feel like your brain running a million miles a minute at times, but if it’s not focusing on the right skills it’s not moving the needle on your competitive mindset.
The SECRET isn’t to read about the skills
The SECRET is to actually practice them and practice them regularly.
Mental Toughness and Mindset work is a practice!
Hi, I’m Michelle.
I’ll be your coach here in “the brain gym”. I’m a mindset coach with a mission to help you achieve results. It’s been my experience and observation that mindset skills only work if you do! Like any exercise practice we have to put the reps in. Because I’ve also experienced all of the troubles above I can relate to so much of what you’re going through. Because I’ve overcome these issues and created mind hacks for myself, I’m a master coach to help you do the same. Together, we will hit the “gym” and strengthen our brains so that we are ready for our next competition without having to use our horses as the gym equipment!

An arena to practice your mindset skills and strengthen your “mental toughness”.

Here’s what you can expect when you join Mental Toughness Boot Camp when we start on Wednesday February 9th:
✔5 weeks of support and accountability so that you show up each week for yourself to train your own brain and regulate your nervous system.
✔Special private app we will use for accountability (not Facebook)
✔Weekly lessons and a plethora of “workouts & exercises” to strengthen your mindset skills (12-15 exercises!)
✔Accountability and community support group within a special app to keep you on track
✔Increased confidence in your ability to draw on your skillset and tools when needed.
The cost is $97 CDN
The “gym” class starts February 9th.
Each week we will have a 2-3 skills to practice and strengthen.
We will also be focusing on increasing your nervous system’s agility and teaching you methods to regulate it.
We will add new skills and swap out others as we balance all areas of our competitive mindset.
This is cross training for your brain so that you feel primed and ready to roll for your next competition.
It’s a training ground where we will practice mindset skills.
The skills I’ll pick to practice in “boot camp” will be specifically chosen to help get you through stressful times and pre competition jitters you might have when competing with horses.
By repeating the exercises when you’re not stressed or already nervous before a competition, you will solidify the neural connections needed to access these skills when things feel hard.
We will be building your mind muscles one rep at a time!

Free Bonuses
Enjoy the class on “5 First Aid Steps To Nervousness” as a free bonus ($97 value). It’s ready for you now to get started on when you enroll today. In this class I teach 5 steps to nip nerves in the bud should they catch you by surprise.

You’ll receive a Mindful Meditation eBook with 7 different meditation methods and helpful tips to get started with a meditation practice or modify it so that it feels achievable and effective for your learning style. ($27 value)

Your Nervous System and You – A mini class where you’ll learn about your nervous system and the importance of increasing it’s agility and how boot camp will help with this. ($47 value)
Enrollment Closes February 8th In:
Frequently Asked Questions:
I’ve taken Boot Camp before, should I take this again?
This is a totally different experience with the same name. If you’re needing to brush up on skills you already have or want new ones, this is a great place to do that.
When do we start?
We will start Wednesday February 9th and go for 5 weeks.
How long will it take me each day
Plan to spend 5 to 15 minutes each day. Lesson day will be a bit longer.
Can I get 1 on 1 help?
I do not offer private 1 to 1 help at this time, but you will get 1 to 1 help in the small group calls if you add that to your order. Those groups will be limited to 10 people.
Do you have payment plans?
I’m sorry I do not offer payment plans for this class.
Do I need any special equipment for this class?
All you need is your mind, a pen and some paper to write notes on and track your “workouts”.
Will I sweat in this “gym”?
You might….but only if you’re brave enough to push yourself out of your comfort zone and activate your sympathetic nervous system! Think good stress!

Your No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee
I’m fully confident that the value you will receive from this program will outweigh its cost. However, I get that it can still feel daunting to spend your hard earned money on a program you’ve never seen before. For that reason, I offer a 30 day no-risk refund policy. Join today and if by 30 days you don’t feel you’ve received the value you paid, just email michelle@michelledavey.com. It’s because I’m so confident in the program and the skills you’ll learn (by doing them) that I offer this policy. You do have to complete the program (this isn’t an I change my mind policy), so I’ll need you to show me that you’ve completed all the exercises and challenges and that you’ve been on the calls (if applicable). If you’ve done the work and you’re still now satisfied, I’ll give you your money back, no further questions asked.