Episode 19. Handling The Holiday Season
Whether you love the holiday season or you find it just a little too people-y, I’ve got some tips to help you with this season.
Christmas and the holiday season that goes along with it can feel stressful and overwhelming for some people. We are all busy before the holiday season begins and then dealing with the holiday parties, shopping and food can add even more to our to-do lists.
With Christmas also comes some potential financial strain. Between gifts, food and travel, it can add up. Whether you’re on a tight budget or you overspend and then have to deal with the aftermath, finances can be a factor during the holidays.
And then there’s the people. We often spend time with family and sometimes connect with people we wouldn’t otherwise see. There are also the people we’re around as we do our shopping and run errands. The people part of Christmas can be super uncomfortable, especially for introverts (and empaths and highly sensitive people).
Here are my tips for handling these holiday challenges:
Change your Perspective
Overwhelm is a choice. You choose to feel that way or not. Take a deep breath, choose a different perspective and get grounded. To avoid the energy of overwhelm, try writing a list so you can put into perspective how much you actually need to do. If your list still feels overwhelming, narrow it down to 3 or 4 “must-do” items to get started.
Shopping can cause stress and overwhelm for some people. Writing a list of the people you’d like to find gifts for can be helpful. Ask the question What would these people love? Putting that question out into the universe will allow you to focus on finding the right gift for them.
If finances are tight, be thoughtful and creative. People love thoughtful gifts. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to bring a lot of joy to someone else.
Remember the Reason for the Season
For me, this season is all about love! Stay in the energy of love and that will help you avoid overwhelm. If you’re struggling with a gathering, remind yourself that you get to go home (or the guests will go home). You have a choice of what meaning you put on what people say. Have compassion for others: everyone is going through something you know nothing about.
When you are out shopping and running errands, stay compassionate in those situations too. Before you go out, give yourself a bubble of protection. Set the intention to protect your energy from others.
Make Time to Recharge
If you feel very drained after interactions with other people, that is a sign that you’ve taken on energy from others. You may need to intentionally release that energy you’ve picked up. Taking a shower or a bath might help.
Especially if you are an introvert, you need time alone to recharge. Taking 5-10 minutes for yourself can help. Even if this season feels busy, make time.
Spending time with your horses is another great way to recharge. Clean the barn, feed them, spend time with them.
Remember, we have a choice about how the holiday season will look and feel for us.
Make time for yourself. Remember the reason for the season. And if you remember nothing else, remember to take deep breaths and take them often.
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