Coaching and Healing for Humans
The coaching for people program is flexible to your needs. Whether it’s a health or emotional challenge, we can dig deep to the root of the symptoms you’re experiencing. We can address, things like pain, symptoms of dis-ease, feelings of anxiety and depression, past traumas, broken heart or even a longing heart. The cool thing about intuitive energy work is that we don’t need to “talk out” your problems like you would at a counselor. What we do is take the energetic charge off things without talking it out. Talking it out has merit, and I do recommend seeking professional help. What we do here supports that work if you chose that route. If your issues are manifesting at a physical level (pain for example) we will work to clear the underlying causes for this pain while raising your vibration and even giving your immune system a boost as a side effect to reducing your pain.
We can address and heal limiting beliefs that may be keeping you from being all that you can be. Conditioning from our families, friends, community, and even television can have us believe we’re not good enough deep in our cores. Energetically we can get rid of this nonsense just as easy as it stuck with us for the very first time.
If you are a competitive rider, we can also mold your sessions with a specific goal in mind. We can work on your “mental toughness” but also make sure you feel worthy of winning deep inside. Often money and abundance blocks can keep us from reaching our goal and it has nothing to do with your skills as a rider. Our inner fear of the attention winning can bring can be something that will cause us to self-sabotage at a subconscious level. It’s at the subconscious level that we repattern your energy to that your goals can materialize at a conscious level.
People dedicated to participating in making changes for the better will feel the greatest improvements when receiving energy healing. In other words, I can do the work for you, but if you participate and follow up with my suggestions your results will be enhanced.
Whatever your concerns and goals, we’ll set an intention and I’ll be intuitively guided to the approach and healing you’ll need through a series of sessions and possibly a bit of homework and practice with the tips and tools you’ll receive from me. These sessions can be done both by email or phone, but I recommend at least one call to integrate and understand all that we’ve worked on.
This package is a 3 session commitment over 3 or 4 weeks to work with me. Show yourself some love with this commitment to your health of $367 CDN + tax
Additional packages may be purchased should you wish to continue healing and coaching with me.
Etransfer, Visa and Mastercard accepted. Ask me about making payments if you’d prefer.
Book your sessions:
Energy healing does not substitute the care and attention of a Doctor. By booking, you agree and understand Dr. care is always recommended.