Get out of your Head and into your Heart
It’s Time to start
Living From Within
Maybe you have, but the wires seem crossed and the reception is a little fuzzy?
Or perhaps you knew within but didn’t trust yourself enough to follow through?
It’s time to change that.

✖ It’s time to stop wondering where the real you went and who you are anymore.
✖ It’s time to stop making decisions out of fear or taking the route that pleases everyone else but you.
✖ It’s time to stop fighting the pull that’s been grinding at you for a while now.
✔ It is time to START tapping into the knowledge base of the you that lives within and following that pull.
You know what that pull is saying, you do know it’s time to rise and you do know your intuition is strong.
I know you can feel the truth in that because truth has a frequency and your truth is always within.
With a little guidance and some magic, the truth can go from feeling like a faint hum to a loud confirmation and hit that’s easy to follow.
I’m Michelle,
- I’m here to help you tune into your inner knowing.
- To help you to activate your intuition and follow your heart’s true desires.
- I’m here to help you learn more about the truth of who you are, how powerful you really are, and how to comfortably feel that with ease.

It’s time to rise.

Shrinking may have kept you safe in the past, but this discomfort you’re feeling, it’s the real you getting sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Hiding and betraying yourself by ignoring your authentic nature and inner pull is a disservice to the one that made you so perfectly for this time.
I’ve tried all of the above for you, so you don’t have to do that anymore! I can’t think of any other way to live anymore. It’s become such a habit. I check in with my intuition and my body for everything from which direction to take, what to do with my horse each day and how best to help my clients. This course is an example of trusting my own truth and intuition, but also my life’s path. I’m living the example of what I’m about to share.
Once you start LIVING FROM WITHIN you will:

Since you’re ready to make a change, here’s how we are going to get started:
This is not really a class, a webinar, a workshop or clinic.
It’s a portal. (AKA the doorway into your new reality)
A three part portal where we will get together as a group to take the first steps towards activating the new you, for your new reality.
One where you comfortably honor the truth of who you are, one where you trust your heart and soul and one where you actively follow the pull.
We will do this live over 3 evenings in January 2025
Dates to be determined
I can’t tell you exactly what we will go over in each portal opening because the content will be perfectly curated for the individuals that step in the door.

Once registration is closed, I will tap into the energy of the group and use my own intuition to create the outline for each gathering. From there, I will allow what needs to be shared to come through me. It will be perfectly designed and just what you need at this time. I trust my intuition to do that for us.
I’ve been given the outline and the rest will be divinely orchestrated by the people that register.
Class 1. Will be centered around authenticity and integrity. Who are you anyway?
Class 2. Will be about feeling, accessing your heart and intuition.
Class 3. Will be about trusting, following and embodying your truth.
What goes on in those class portals will be between us, but the transformation and your soul’s alignment you’ll feel afterwards, will be for everyone else to see!
As you begin to live from within, you’ll find the synchronicities and manifestations take care of themselves. We’re building the foundation.

What I know for sure is that once you decide to bet on yourself and step into this circle, things will start to change. Honestly, you’ll probably start to see it before the class starts. That’s how energy works. It’s not operating on the same timeline we are.
You have an entire energetic support team of ancestors and spirit guides cheering for you behind the scenes. They’re probably all lined up right now hoping you’ll hit the registration button so they can get to work for you.
Your commitment to your personal growth and transformation starts from within and grows and expands from there. The Universe is always working to conspire in your favor, but it needs you to take the first step.
If this invitation sounds exciting to you, if you feel expanded and a bit nervous thinking about the potential. It’s time.
It’s time for you to choose you.
Finding 90 minutes for yourself 3 times this month might sound like a tall order, but you might be surprised how time opens for you, and the stars align when you make yourself a priority.
While I would love everyone to attend live, if you can’t make one or more of the live times, you will get a recording within 24hrs of the live class. Your energy will still be included in any of the group energy work we do and any of the mediations recording specifically for the group.
Any of the resources like meditations or self hypnosis tracks that I’m guided to create for you will also be available to you after each class.
Connecting with a small like minded group is very exciting because our energies and intentions will amplify each other and the changes are likely to be beyond what we can imagine for ourselves.

When you’re ready to step in with intention, fill out the form below and I will start rounding up the energy of the group to get started.
You’ll receive an email confirming your registration and then the day prior to the first class I will send the zoom link for the live gathering.
Because this class is designed specifically for the people who register, there will be no refunds after registration closes.