The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 116: Why Take on a Challenge
I’ve recently been part of several different challenges. I’m going to be running a challenge for you to build your mental toughness skills starting on January 17th. In this episode, I’ll share how challenges have worked for me and my family, plus tell you about the upcoming Mental Toughness Challenge!
Last episode, I talked about neural connections and how it’s important to continue using your mindset skills during the off-season so that they’re sharp when it’s go time. In this episode, I want to give you some background on why I’m running a mental toughness challenge and how you can benefit from accepting the challenge.
Whether you join the Mental Toughness Challenge or not, you might consider adding a challenge into your life.
For the last few months, I’ve been taking a course with my daughter and reading some books to support her in overcoming selective mutism. This is classified as an anxiety disorder, but the only time it affects her is when someone who she’s not comfortable with speaks to her. She becomes mute in these situations and can’t reply. We’ve implemented brave speaking challenges from one of the books I’ve read and it’s been making a huge difference.
These challenges work through exposure therapy.
We prepare using speaking skills, we rehearse and role play and when she’s successful, there is a reward. When she can push through her fears and do it anyway, she trains her body that she will be okay despite the fear and worry. The exposure teaches her that it’s okay to feel scared and do it anyway.
I’ve also been part of Pam Hebner’s Ride Strong Challenges. These challenges require you to work out and ride each week. There are prizes each week and a grand prize. For me, I like the accountability. You’ve got skin in the game with registration fees and there is a group celebrating your successes. You find momentum in the group and there is the reward of completing the daily challenges. Plus, there are the mental and physical benefits. The challenge helped me keep my word to myself.
Setting a reward for yourself is powerful.
Anytime you’re doing things that trigger your nervous system, you’re re-wiring connections in your brain and showing your nervous system that what you’re doing is safe for you and it actually feels good because there is a reward. It’s empowering to give your word and stick to it and honouring yourself. Making yourself a priority is important for your self-care and self-love journey.
The Mental Toughness Challenge is only going to be 6 days long with an option for an extension. Daily challenges will be delivered by email and also shared in a Facebook group where we’ll find some camaraderie and accountability. By the end of the challenge, I hope that you will have inspired yourself and been able to see how capable you really are.
Consider how accepting challenges might help you grow.
Free Mental Toughness Challenge Starts January 17th
Registration open now at https://michelledavey.com/mtc
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If you’re looking to make changes to your mindset, be sure to sign up for my free Next-Level Mindset Mini Course.
You can also join Stride, my next-level barrel racing group. This group receives video training and coaching from me and Stride members have access to special guests. We work on becoming mindful barrel racers so we can show up, be present and perform with great partnership.
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