The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 33: Healing With Horses – Interview with Cali Brown
Special guest Cali Brown is joining us for this episode. She will tell us about her Gestalt healing methods and how horses can contribute to the growth and transformation of humans.
Cali is an Equine Gestalt Coach and founder of Conscious Effects Coaching. She is a graduate of the Touched by a Horse certification program based in Elizabeth, Colorado. She is also a hairstylist, Mom to two kids, wife to Slim and also loves to ride and barrel race. They make their home near Maple Creek, SK
Cali works with horses and humans. She applies Gestalt therapy methods to help people work through pain and trauma to live a more joyful and peaceful life. In her sessions, people have an opportunity to work with a horse as part of their therapy. Different people will engage in different experiences to aid with their healing. Horses intuitively aid in the process.
Cali was an unsatisfied teen, which she now attributes to her ego and lack of presence. She began her healing journey with a Gestalt coach. She started working with horses to support her healing. She saw the potential for horses to aid in the Gestalt healing process. Eventually, she discovered a program that did blend horses with Gestalt methods. She was guided to the Touched by a Horse program. She completed her training and began offering coaching to help people on their healing journeys.
Cali’s insights on healing:
- People tend to limit themselves. A lot of the healing people need to do is related to limiting beliefs.
- Equine Gestalt coaching offers very efficient healing. Often, people notice changes very quickly.
- People need to be aware and be present in order to maintain their wellness.
- All horses know how to do healing work. We just need to get out of their way and let them do it.
- One of the hardest things for people is to notice when they are acting from ego rather than acting from soul.
- Ego is only a negative thing when it controls your life. When we learn to accept ego as part of ourselves and balance it, it’s not a problem.
Cali’s wisdom on personal growth and horsemanship:
- Understanding ourselves and our horses should be the foundation on which we build our relationships with horses.
- As we grow and develop, we can help our horses become more confident. When we are confident and joyful, our horses can be too!
- Horses live in the present moment. They don’t naturally have fear and anxiety, we put that on them.
Cali’s suggestions for barrel racers:
- When loping circles and doing lead changes, it is a dance. Notice your posture and the tension in your body. You might need to adjust your own body in order to help your horse.
- Be present. When you aren’t present, your horse may not respond well to you.
How horses give us signs:
- When horses yawn, they are pulling energy off of us. They are trying to support us.
- Lameness is your horse’s body talking. There were probably “whispers” (smaller signs) that we missed before lameness occurred.
Connect with Cali at www.consciouseffects.ca
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