Episode 20: Protecting Your Vibe on the Road
Everyone carries a vibe. What happens when we’re traveling to events and our vibe doesn’t jive with our traveling partner’s vibe? Things can get tricky! In this episode, I’ll talk about your responsibility to protect your own vibe and how others’ energy might be affecting your performance in the arena.
In episode 18, I talked about raising your vibe. One of the things that can impact your vibe is the people that you hang around with, but even more so, the people you travel with. Have you ever been on a traveling adventure with someone and wondered what you got yourself into? Maybe you were a day in, maybe you were just 2 miles in and you wondered how you were going to survive.
Everyone carries an energy – a vibe. If your vibe and their vibe are not “vibing”, it may feel uncomfortable and maybe even frustrating. The people you share space with can bring you up or bring you down.
Being aware of how others impact you is important. Being aware of how YOU are impacting others is also important. You are responsible for the energy you bring to the party too!
Sometimes, you aren’t in an emotional state to mix with the energy of someone else. During these times, it might be a good idea to haul on your own. Personally, I like to haul alone. I like to be alone. But sometimes, it makes sense to travel with someone else.
When you travel with others, you need to be aware of the influence other people may have on you. It’s important to recognize that you don’t have to blend with their energy. You don’t have to subscribe to their beliefs and their way of doing things.
It’s good to be aware that your traveling partners have an impact on your vibe. So, when it’s time to prepare for competition, it’s important that you disconnect from others’ energy. Saddle up, go warm up and be your own person (even if there was an uncomfortable vibe in the truck). As you grow, it will become easier to disconnect from others’ energy when necessary.
As you grow and your vibe changes, your friends and network may change. The saying “Your vibe attracts your tribe” applies here. You might lower your vibe to match your “tribe” if you’re hanging out with certain people. You want to hang out with people that make you feel good, thus raising your vibe. If you’re working on raising your vibe, make sure the people you are sharing your time with are also in a growth mindset and also working to raise their vibe. The people you spend your time with should make you feel good! Your people should lift you up and inspire you.
As you grow, you may find that “your people” change. The people that feel good to be with might change. This is normal. We have a tendency to stick with people, but sometimes people can hold you back from taking your growth to the next level. Sometimes, people will grow with you, but not always. You might find that you leave some friends behind or that your friendship might pause and, once their growth catches up, you’ll be back to spending time together again.
We all grow at different speeds, none of which is better or worse. We’re all at a different point in our journey and that’s okay.
If you don’t feel like you can protect your energy by setting boundaries, you might be best to travel on your own. If you’re going to travel with others, be responsible for your own vibe. Take care of your vibe (listen to Episode 18 for tips). Remember, what others say is often about them. You’re responsible for how you respond to others.
Be aware of the impact others may have on your performance. Take steps to learn how to disconnect from others so that you don’t carry any annoyances with other people into your performance.
Choose your traveling partners carefully. Be aware of the vibe you’re bringing to the party and take responsibility for it. It can be a tonne of fun when you get connected with the right partners, but there can also be a lot of value to recharging on your own. Know yourself and do what’s best for you and your horse.
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