The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 42: Shift your Perspective on Selling
I took a question from the Rider’s Mind Community on Facebook for this episode. The question is: How can I create a relationship and partnership with a horse, but not be so attached that it’s hard to sell them?
This is definitely something I’ve had to wrap my head around. Being a horse collector, sometimes I’ve had to sell them because we need the money, it’s been the plan all along or because we’ve outgrown them.
Even if you sell the horse, it doesn’t mean you don’t love and appreciate them.
When I’ve had to sell horses, I’ve relied on the horse to tell me what they want. Horses can tell us if they are a good match with a new owner. I’ve made people try horses 3 times because I wanted to be sure they were a match. I’ve seen horses walk up to a potential buyer and nudge them, as if to choose them. I believed that it was right for that horse to move on with a new owner.
How you handle selling horses has a lot to do with how you perceive things.
Here’s how I look at it now: I am a connector for horses. My job is to educate them in the language of a human rider so that they are well-prepared for an easy, successful life with a new person.
I feel that I have a responsibility to put the horse in a life that she will succeed in. That might mean saying no to someone that has the money. It also means I have faith that the right person will find the horse. I have faith that that horse will indicate in the test ride if it’s a good match.
If the horse is purchased as a project horse to resell, you can set that intention. Your intention can be to have a partnership with the horse in order to prepare him for his next rider.
When you’ve decided to sell a horse, be careful that you don’t pick out all of a horse’s flaws in order to make your “break-up” easier. Focus on the qualities that will make that horse great for someone else.
Sometimes we outgrow a horse. It is good to let them go. Horses seem to love a purpose and if their purpose isn’t fulfilled with you, then maybe you’re actually doing them a disservice by keeping them. Help the horse find her best life so she can be fulfilled.
When you aren’t a good match with a horse, consider that they might shine with another rider. Be careful who they go to, but respect the horse’s journey. Make a good choice for the horse.
Ultimately, you want to do what’s best for the horse.
We tend to get attached, but we are really just attached to the feeling of what we think we have with that horse. Let go of that attachment and allow the sale to unfold with ease. If it is meant to be, it will be.
Every horse is on their own journey and it’s your job to give them the best life. Sometimes that life is not with you.
Think of yourself as a teacher for this horse. Do teachers get attached to their students? Yes, of course. But, they know their job is to prepare the students for the next grade, so they put their focus on the pride they feel when they see their student succeed and move on to the next grade.
It can be uncomfortable to let a horse move on, but we can look forward to feeling proud watching them succeed with their new owner.
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