Competing with horses takes more than just horsemanship. It takes a mindset that can handle pressure and an attitude of perseverance. Each Thursday, join Michelle Davey in the Rider’s Mind Podcast as she takes a unique approach to help you create the results you want in the arena. You’ll learn why you’re at where you are, and how you can become a more confident and focused leader for your horse. It all starts with making changes from the inside out.
Episode 43: Flexibility Over Formulas
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 43: Flexibility Over FormulasIn this Unbridled Living episode, Michelle delves deep into the concept of being confined by processes, boxes, and paradigms both in life and horsemanship. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, she...
Episode 42: Anthropomorphism, Telepathy, and the Spiritual Lives of Animals
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 42: Anthropomorphism, Telepathy, and the Spiritual Lives of AnimalsIn this thought-provoking episode of Unbridled Living, host Michelle Davey explores the fascinating world of anthropomorphism, telepathy, and the spiritual lives of...
Episode 41: Unleashing Your Main Character Energy
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 41: Unleashing Your Main Character EnergyIn this episode we delve into the concepts of "Main Character Energy" (MCE) and "Non-Player Character" (NPC) energy. Drawing parallels from gaming terminology, we will explore how these roles...
Episode 40: Unseen Gifts: Unlocking Human Potential
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 40: Unseen Gifts: Unlocking Human PotentialThis week Michelle dives into, and discusses the fascinating podcast series "The Telepathy Tapes," created by KyDickens. This series challenges conventional understanding by exploring the...
Episode 39: Untangled Holidays
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 39: Untangled HolidaysBetween Christmas and Holiday gatherings this time of year, things can get to feeling like a little much. So many feelings and history wrapped up in one occasion where we come together and (most of us) try to act...
Episode 38: You Can’t Get It Wrong
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 38: You Can’t Get It WrongThe idea of meditation can feel cringe for some people. Often, the resistance comes from thinking you have to keep your mind quiet to meditate and that seems impossible. Or, you’ve tried before and felt like...
Episode 37: Living From Within
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 37: Living From Within"As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul". -Hermes Trismegistus Essentially, what you’ve got going on, on the inside is what creates your outside reality. Your inner landscape may...
Episode 36: Finding Your Purpose
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 36: Finding Your PurposeFinding my purpose has been a long time search of mine. In this episode, I talk about some of the tips I’ve learned along the way that may help you find yours. I’ll tell you right now there is no clear cut...
Episode 35: Integration and Embodiment
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 35: Integration and EmbodimentJust because you’ve watched a yoga video doesn’t mean you know how to do yoga, and just because you do yoga, doesn’t make you a yogi. In this episode, we talk about the importance of taking the time to...
Episode 34: Discerning Energy
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 34: Discerning EnergyThe ability to discern energy is a skill worth practicing. In this episode, we talk about the “word of the week” discernment and how to do it, how to do it better and when to use it. We all have the skill, but it’s...
Episode 33: 7 Mindset Tips for Competitors
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 33: 7 Mindset Tips for CompetitorsThis episode is inspired by the convoy of Junior High Rodeo contestants that will be making their way to Des Moines, Iowa this weekend for a week of National Finals. I share 7 helpful mindset and...
Episode 32: Magic In The Sky
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 32: Magic In The SkyIn this episode Michelle talks about how space weather has the ability to impact our energetic bodies here on earth. Recently we witnessed the greatest solar storm in the last two decades through the impressive...
Episode 31: The Trouble With Unbridled Living
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 31: The Trouble With Unbridled LivingIt’s not all sunshine and roses when committing to living an “Unbridled Life”. I’ve come up against a few obstacles to scale on my own pursuit to live more unbridled. In this episode, I talk about...
Episode 30: Decisions By Design
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 30: Decisions By DesignWe are designed to find our answers and direction from within, not from our heads. Most of us are missing out on a powerful built in too. You have a built-in guidance system. Yours might be wired differently than...
Episode 29: Unbridled By Design
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 29: Unbridled By DesignIf I could pinpoint one thing that has really helped me learn who I am and recognize my highest potential and life’s purpose, it’s human design. It has had such an impact on me, I can’t in good consciousness keep...
Episode 28: How To Stop Caring What People Think
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 28: How To Stop Caring What People ThinkIf you want to know how to stop caring what other people think, simply become a psychopath. If you’re not up for that, listen to this episode to get some other ideas that will help you overcome...
Episode 27: How To Do New Things With More Ease
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 27: How To Do New Things With More EaseThere are all kinds of stats out there stating the average time it takes to learn something new. I think of myself as “above average” so I “should” learn quickly. When I don’t learn something...
Episode 26: Joy Tuesday #joytuesday
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 26: Joy Tuesday #joytuesdayPlease accept this invitation to join me and other joy seekers for “Joy Tuesday”, a revolution in bringing more joy to your life through intentional acts of joy through gratitude and vulnerability. You can do...
Episode 25: First We Take One Step
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 25: First We Take One StepWhen you’re stuck in one place with a desire to be somewhere else, it’s not always as easy to move forward as we think it should be. In this episode Michelle talks about why this is and what to do about it....
Episode 24: What To Say To Someone Who Is Nervous
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 24: What To Say To Someone Who Is NervousCalm down is not the answer. In this episode of Unbridled Living I talk about some of the most unhelpful things you can say to someone who is struggling with nerves. I also share some ideas on...
Episode 23: Listening For Truths
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 23: Listening For TruthsI believe truth has a frequency. We can feel it, but we can also hear a truth. In this episode, I talk about two occasions when I heard the same truth and how I unpacked the lesson that came with it. My son was...
Episode 22: Questions To Come Back To Self
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 22: Questions To Come Back To SelfIf you’re on a journey back to the truth of who you are or integrity and authenticity, there are some questions you can ponder to help. In this episode I unpack a list of powerful questions that will...
Episode 21: How We See the World
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 21: How We See the World It’s no secret that when you’re stressed, you might be more sensitive or reactive. Have you considered that it might literally impact the way you see the world? When we are stressed, we are more apt to be...
Episode 20: Success Is Yours
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 20: Success Is Yours I don’t believe that your hardships or how hard you work make you any more deserving of success. I understand this is an unpopular belief in a society driven by the hustle culture. We would all love to see someone...
Episode 19: Stay In Your Own Lane
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 19: Stay In Your Own Lane We’re wired for safety and we find safety in numbers. But the magic isn’t in following the crowd or masses. In this episode Michelle encourages listeners to discern what’s right for them rather than just doing...
Episode 18: You Deserve To Enter
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 18: You Deserve To Enter In this episode I talk about how many of us were raised on the belief that if you don’t ride during the week, you don’t deserve to go on the weekend. I believe this can be a limiting belief and is likely the...
Episode 17: Following The Call – to Utah
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 17: Following The Call - to Utah Whether you’ve ever been drawn to hike in Utah or not, I hope this episode inspires you to go on your own adventure. Spending time on your own is a good opportunity to cleanse your energy and tune into...
Episode 16: The Journey Back To Self
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 16: The Journey Back To Self In this episode I unpack a few themes and reflect on the work I’ve been doing over the last year. I talk about the not so fun side of growth and ascension and the hard work that’s done when digging into our...
Episode 15: Who Are You Really?
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 15: Who Are You Really? If showing up authentically in our “unbridled life” means being who you truly are, do you know who that is? Many of us have never considered who we truly are, we’re simply reacting to who the world believes us...
Episode 14: The Wall Around Your Heart
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 14: The Wall Around Your Heart A broken heart isn’t just an expression, it can really happen. The grief and trauma we go through as humans that is normalized, can also have an impact on our hearts. In this episode, I share how we can...
Episode 13: What Are You Thinking?
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 13: What Are You Thinking? Whatever reel is playing in your head, is what you’re training your subconscious to show more of. Thoughts become things, energy flows where attention goes, you are what you think and all those other sayings...
Episode 12: How are You Really?
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 12: How are You Really? Are we lying when we tell someone we are “fine” when we are actually really struggling? Or do we get a bye on that lie because everyone does it? What if we started being a little more vulnerable and truthful and...
Episode 11: Do You Really Need To Do the Things You Think You “Should”?
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 11: Do You Really Need To Do the Things You Think You “Should”? It seems we all have a long list of things we “should” be doing. But when was the last time you stopped the should loop and asked yourself how accurate this list really...
Episode 10: Things That Hold Us Back
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 10: Things That Hold Us Back It’s one thing to desire to practice or pursue an unbridled life, but it’s another to actually ask the things that try to hold you back, to step aside. In this episode we explore the different energies and...
Episode 9: Self Consideration
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 9: Self Consideration While you pursue your goals and unbridled life, are you remembering to consider yourself? Not just self love and self care, but actually considering whether what you’re doing is for you? Does it light you up?...
Episode 8: Beliefs Behind the Scene
Unbridled Living Podcast Episode 8: Beliefs Behind the Scene In this episode we uncover how we can be driven or held back from what we took on as our own before the age of 7. The bulk of our beliefs, values, stories and views are programmed into our subconscious mind...