Join me (Michelle Davey), your guide to “Unbridled Living” as we step out of the boxes we’ve been put in (and created ourselves) and unleash our unique potential.   Whether it’s life in general,  business or in the competition arena, breaking free from the beliefs, stories and paradigms we carry opens a whole new world and welcomes the expansive life you deserve.

Episode 94: Overcoming Rider’s Block

Episode 94: Overcoming Rider’s Block

The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 94: Overcoming Rider’s Block “Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” ― Babe Ruth Don’t let the fear of getting it wrong stop you from getting started. This idea is really meaningful to me right now.  I’ve...

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Episode 93: Emotional Connections to Your Body

Episode 93: Emotional Connections to Your Body

The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 93: Emotional Connections to Your Body In this episode, I share how the unhealed traumas you have might be impacting your health, your body and maybe even your ability to ride. When you stuff those skeletons in the closet and don’t...

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Episode 92: Repatterning Your Mind

Episode 92: Repatterning Your Mind

The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 92: Repatterning Your Mind When I started learning about habits and repatterning, it really helped me empathize with horses and how it can sometimes be hard for them to create new habits. Knowing how habits are created through neural...

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Episode 90: Destination Addiction

Episode 90: Destination Addiction

The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 90: Destination Addiction  I’ll be happy when….. I know I’ll be good when… Once I do this, I’ll feel better… Once I lose the weight, get the house, win the rodeo…. If you’re attaching your happiness to an outcome, it’s very possible...

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Episode 89: Interview with Adelle Stewart

Episode 89: Interview with Adelle Stewart

The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 89: Interview with Adelle Stewart  We cover a lot in this episode with special guest Adelle Stewart. She’s got background with speaking, horses and health & wellness. In this episode, we talk about embracing a healthier lifestyle,...

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