The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 71: The Energy of Fear and Your Health
Warning: This episode is not so much about you as a rider, but more about you as a person. I share about how we can easily end up manifesting negative things in our lives, specifically manifesting negative health because of our fears. This is a relevant topic right now because our collective energy is fearful. Be aware of that fearful energy so you can clear it and focus on love and abundance.
I’ve had this topic on my heart and I felt like I needed to share. We are all tapped in to the energy of the people around us. We are all connected. I know I’m connected to others so, if I’m feeling something, I know someone else is too.
I’ve felt a bit paranoid about getting COVID and very fearful of passing it on without knowing I’m sick. If I’m feeling this, surely I’m not the only one that has had a runny nose or sneezed or has had a sore throat and immediately thought,OMG do I have COVID?
Many times I’ve had to rein myself back in and remind myself that I’ve had a runny nose my entire life (I’m actually better now than ever). I’ve always had one cough in the morning (thank you sinuses draining). I don’t want to get political or really share my beliefs around COVID because I think they are irrelevant.
I want to speak about the energy of fear that seems to be really present in the collective consciousness right now.
Everything we are hearing exposes us to fear. When we focus on our fears, we can create sickness within ourselves.
You get what you focus on. You get your subconscious fears. If you focus on sickness, that is what you are likely to get.
We are powerful manifestors. I’ve manifested some pretty amazing things in my life and I’ve manifested some pretty crappy things in my life because of fear.
It wasn’t until I was sick that I realized how “great” I am at manifesting bad things too. About 3 years ago, I had cancer. There was a waiting period between testing and getting my results when I was in fear. My fear of what was possible was worse than the test results. I had severe back pain. I was hyperventilating. I was fearful that the cancer was everywhere. I kept thinking the worst until a doctor checked me and told me I was fine.
I also experienced pain in my breast. I searched Google and immediately thought I had breast cancer. I also had sharp pains in my neck. I was sure the pain was related to cancer. My doctor told me it was unrelated and that made me mad, but I never had the pain again. This shows how easy it is for us to make ourselves sick. I was convinced the neck pain was cancer-related and as soon as my doctor explained it wasn’t, that pain was gone.
Focus on your health. Use the power of your mind to heal and manifest good things. Focus on the wonder of your body and how it keeps you healthy.
You can apply this to all areas of your life; you can manifest bad things or good things in any situation. Do you fear losing your horse? Do you fear your horse getting sick or being lame? Don’t focus on those fears. See them as healthy and strong.
Be aware of how powerful your thoughts and words are. If you are sick or having a difficult time, it can be hard to stay positive. Recognize when you’re in the energy of fear and neutralize that. If you can’t stay positive, at least stay neutral and avoid going down that road of negativity.
Be aware of your thoughts so you can turn them around. See what’s happening so you can make a change. Rein yourself in.
Manifest health. Manifest happiness. Manifest peace.
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