The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 98:10 Horse & Life Lessons from Running 5km
I’ve been doing a thing lately… training to run 5 kilometers. I’ve had a lot of thoughts while running and I’m excited to share some of the lessons I’ve learned with you in this episode!
On the day I recorded this episode, it was my first day of running the full 5 kilometers!
I’ve been getting intuitive nudges that I should run for several years. It wasn’t easy for me to do because I would be sore afterwards. Last year, I decided to start running wherever I went. I’d run to do chores or to move the goats. This year I joined the Ride Strong with Pam challenge group. It’s a very supportive, pay-to-play challenge group run by Pam Hebner. One of the challenges is to exercise for 30 minutes per day.
I started doing a lot of hiking in a nearby wildlife refuge area. While I was hiking, I kept getting the nudge that it would be fun to run through the forest. So, I said it out loud and told the challenge group that someday, I’d like to be able to run through this forest and not just hike through it.
Pam suggested I use the 5K runner app. I had downloaded it last year, but I started and followed the plan over the last couple of months. I started running just 1.5 minute intervals up to my 32 minutes straight that took me to 5 kilometers/3.1 miles today.
While running, I have a lot of thoughts. I’ve gathered my thoughts to share these 10 lessons with you:
- Start small, but get started. You can’t fail. You’d only fail if you didn’t start.
- Interval training for the win. It worked for me and it can work for your horses too!
- When you’re blazing your own trail, sometimes you’re going to have to whack some bush. And sometimes it’s not the time to blaze a trail, it’s time to follow a well-traveled path. Surrender to the process.
- Breath fuels the fire. When I learned to focus on my breath, I was able to stay present and also stay energized to keep running.
- Let love lead. Put your shoulders back, chest and heart out. Remember your why.
- You’ll never know how far you can go if you don’t try to go further than you’ve already gone. It’s easy to get comfortable and never push beyond that.
- Sometimes pain doesn’t get worse. One day, I had some pain, but it didn’t worsen because I took a deep breath and continued rather than fretting about it getting worse. It’s our fear of it getting worse that stops us, not the pain.
- You’re actually doing something when it feels like nothing. Doing a little adds up to a lot if you keep building on your little things. Doing a little is a lot more than doing nothing.
- There will always be “bears”. I knew there was a possibility of wildlife on my trail and I also saw bear tracks, which scared me. There are always scary things that might get you off your track. Consider risk and reward. Manage your risks.
- Set yourself (and your horse) up for success. Consider the ground and the weather.
What’s next? I’m not sure. I’m just going to celebrate this milestone a bit longer before I move on.
I gained many lessons from this experience. I think the biggest lesson is that my body can always go further and dig deeper than my mind thinks.
Breathe deep, stay present and ride the stride.
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