Competing with horses takes more than just horsemanship. It takes a mindset that can handle pressure and an attitude of perseverance. Each Thursday, join Michelle Davey in the Rider’s Mind Podcast as she takes a unique approach to help you create the results you want in the arena. You’ll learn why you’re at where you are, and how you can become a more confident and focused leader for your horse. It all starts with making changes from the inside out.
Mental Toughness 2.0 Week 6
In the final module we discuss fear. We talk about where fear shows up, and what to do with it. Whether it's a fear of success, a fear of being out of control and looking stupid or the fear of getting hurt. Fear isn't going to go away, but we can learn how to...
Resource List
Books (in no particular order) The Champion's Mind - How great athletes think, train and thrive. By John Afremow Atomic Habits – James Clear – Where our habits come from and how to get new ones. Totally mind opening for me. Turning Pro and the War Of Art, both by...
Mental Toughness Boot Camp – Week 5
In module 5, I discuss choke and self-sabotage. Becoming aware of what causes these nemeses will help them become a thing of the past. I'll help you gain skills to allow your performance to unfold with ease so we step away from trying to make things happen. I talk...
Mental Toughness 2.0 Week 4
In Module 4, we look at who you've been telling yourself you are, and which part of you has been responsible for those conclusions. We talk about self-judgment and how to get away from that pattern. Learn how to reframe the conversations you have in your head....
Mental Toughness 2.0 Week 3
This week we will be talking about the energies around us. Whether they are from other competitors, the environment, our loved ones or "the mean girls". We're starting off a bit different in the layout this week where I give you two exercises up front, then the...
Questions And Answers
New: I ran this course again in July/Aug 2018 and gained more questions and answers to share with you. Here's the link to questions that came up from that group. They were also given access to the Q & A here. Here is our final batch of questions from Mental...
Mental Toughness 2.0 Week 2
Welcome to Week 2. In this module, I discuss your personal vibrational state, the winner's frequency and finish up with talking about your ideal performance state (or frequency) and how you need to learn to adjust it (super important). I incorporate my...
Mental Toughness Week 1
Welcome to Week 1 - Module 1 - Laying the Foundation In this first series of videos, I lay the foundation as I talk about the conscious and subconscious mind, core beliefs and limiting beliefs. I speak from my heart (ie. not scripted) and to my surprise, we get right...
Mental Toughness 2.0 Dashboard
Welcome From this course home page, you'll be able to access your course content each week. The word week will be "clickable" as new info is added to that week. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 If...
When Horses Do Body Work
I was on my way back to the house from doing morning chores last week and I noticed my horse Orro standing in front of the walk through gate. My mare Abracadabra was off in the distance standing in the shed on her own looking to be resting. I stopped to visit...
Be Your Own Cheerleader
When nobody celebrates with you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody compliments, then compliment yourself. It's not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It's up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside. - Joel Osteen I had my own little...
Who Do I Need To Be In The New Year?
Turning the page on a new year can feel like a real relief to many of us. It's a chance to start fresh, to start with a clean slate. It's time for renewal, setting new goals and making big plans. I've been pondering what all this means and why it makes me feel...
What do I do with these jealous feelings?
A Dear Michelle letter answered about jealousy in the horse world. A turnaround and change of perspective on this energy is offered.
When the bump in the road is cancer
If your spiny senses have been working, you may have noticed through my shares on Facebook and Instagram that things have been a little “off” for me lately. You can’t quite pinpoint it, but you’re certain there is something going on with me. You’ve noticed me talk...
When It’s Not A “Sign”
I'm big on signs. I'm open to receiving them from Spirit all the time. I see number and animals signs, shape and colors signs. Certain "things" have a certain meaning to just me, and others I rely on google and reference books to interpret. An example of a sign...
When Ego Takes The Reins
This past weekend I ran in the Manitoba Barrel Racing Finals here in my home Province. I had high hopes of making three nice runs and being lucky enough to fall into some money. We aren't ready to run for the 1D win yet, so I was hoping to fall into some division...
Three Words That Changed My Life
Things were pretty rocky in my life after my son was born. He was challenging from the time he decided he should join us. In the quest to find out what was "wrong" with him, my Mom came across a book that helped us learn was was "right" about him. I have to admit when...
Why It’s So Hard To Lose A Horse
If you have a forever horse, chances are you will outlive him and have to deal with the loss of this horse. If you're like me, you may have many "forever" horses in your care. It's only been in the last few years that I've had to make decisions for my forever...
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
I didn't always know that loving yourself was a "thing". They didn't teach us that in school and I must have missed the memo on it at home. If I think about what I used to think self-love was all about, I think I thought it was for people that were vain or full of...
How To Increase Your Sensitivity To Energy
Whether we're working on another person or a horse doing hands on healing, it's important to be able to feel energy,and be able to feel a change in energy. I thought the best way to explain these three ways you can improve your feel for energy would be through a...
Is Animal Communication A Real Thing?
I'll give you a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is that yes, in my world, animal communication is a real thing. I can't tell you why this should be a real thing for you, but I can tell you why it's a real thing for me. It's an everyday thing in my...
When Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work
You heard it here. Positive thinking will only get you so far. Positive thinking and positive talk is important, don't get me wrong. What I've seen and experienced is that it's what you're "feeling" deep in the core that can cause you to choke in a heart...
6 Traumas That Could Be Affecting The Current Health Of Your Horse
I've yet to experience a horse that doesn't have some sort of "baggage" from a previous unfavorable experience in their life. There's usually something that went array in their training or life that left some sort of emotional attachment. It's no different in people....
Are You Turning Your Horse Into An Ass?
Many lines of horses carry a set of characteristics known to their breeding. I won't mention names, but there are some horses bred "this" way that are known to be broncy, others bred "that" way that are known to have big stops. Are they all this way or that...
How Much Bitch Are You Bringing To The Barn?
Imagine with me here. You work in an open concept office where you have coworkers working within arms reach. Cringing already? It gets worse. One of your coworkers is a know it all in the midst of family drama. She likes to tell you how to do your job and...
How To Kill Your Horse With Kindness
We all want the best for our horses. We want them happy, healthy and sound. Forever. Fortunately and unfortunately, there are thousands of product choices out there we can use to supplement our horse's diet. You might be wondering why I say that is unfortunate. I say...
10 Signs Your Horse Is A Healer
Do you have your very own healer in your pasture? As horse owners, we often overlook the benefits we are receiving from our trusty steeds. It’s very easy to take for granted health benefits we are receiving while interacting with horses. While dogs and cats are known...
Fear gets the back seat
Recently, I read the book "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I really enjoyed the entire book, but one thing that stuck out for me was her analogy on fear. Fear, in many shapes and forms has been a theme for several of my coaching clients lately so I know it will...
A Simple Energy Clearing Technique
The Masterson Method is a great way to work on your horse yourself, and release blocked energy. It is energy work that you can do and see results in less than 5 minutes. The longer you can spend, the better, but every little bit counts. A great pre ride routine would...