Competing with horses takes more than just horsemanship. It takes a mindset that can handle pressure and an attitude of perseverance. Each Thursday, join Michelle Davey in the Rider’s Mind Podcast as she takes a unique approach to help you create the results you want in the arena. You’ll learn why you’re at where you are, and how you can become a more confident and focused leader for your horse. It all starts with making changes from the inside out.
Episode 116: Why Take on a Challenge
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 116: Why Take on a Challenge I’ve recently been part of several different challenges. I’m going to be running a challenge for you to build your mental toughness skills starting on January 17th. In this episode, I’ll share how...
Episode 115: Staying Sharp When You’re Not Competing
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 115: Staying Sharp When You’re Not Competing In this episode, I share a few things you can do to keep your mindset and mental resilience sharp in the off season. Use it or lose it: it applies to your muscles, your mind, your budget at...
Episode 114: What to do When Nothing Works
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 114: What to do When Nothing Works I think we all know the feeling of when you’ve been grinding it out and doing the work, but things are just not working out. In this episode, I’ll share how to shift that energy and find something...
Episode 113: What to do When They Walk Away
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 113: What to do When They Walk Away What should you do when your horse walks away from you and appears not to want to be caught? In this episode, I’ll share what this might mean and what to do about it. I don’t have this all...
Episode 112: Times You Shouldn’t Ride
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 112: Times You Shouldn’t Ride If you’re a hardcore competitor who has been conditioned to believe that you have to ride every day to be successful, this might be challenging for you to hear. It’s ok to take a day off....
Episode 111: Thoughts Become Things
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 111: Thoughts Become Things What are you thinking about? If thoughts become things, what are you creating? If you look at the life you have now, can you think back to see how you created this reality? Is this the life you...
Episode 110: The Trouble with an Alter Ego
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 110:The Trouble with an Alter Ego I could call this episode “everything I wish I’d said in Episode 109” because it includes all the things that came to me on the topic of alter egos after recording the last episode. In this...
Episode 109: Take a Mindset Tip from Beyoncé
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 109: Take a Mindset Tip from Beyoncé I have a quick tip for you courtesy of Beyoncé. I think you’ll be able to take this to the bank as you step into your cowboy boots and head to the arena. I didn’t know Beyoncé was using one...
Episode 108: Conversation with Keira Forsyth from Equus Physio
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 108: Conversation with Keira Forsyth from Equus Physio Here on the Rider’s Mind Podcast, we talk a lot about our minds and how what we have going on up top impacts our horses. Today we are taking a different twist and talking...
Episode 107: Interview with Josh Nichol
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 107: Interview with Josh NicholI am excited and honoured to have Josh Nichol join me on the podcast. I have been consuming content from Josh and I'm a member of his membership. I'm learning from him and enjoying it very much, so I...
Episode 106: How Your Baseline Nervous System Impacts Your Nervousness
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 106: How Your Baseline Nervous System Impacts Your Nervousness Being able to regulate your nervous system and being able to go between the parasympathetic and sympathetic are key to finding your ideal performance state. It’s...
Episode 105: 2 Ways to Approach Nervousness
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 105: 2 Ways to Approach Nervousness I get a kick out of reading all of the suggestions given when someone asks how to deal with nervousness. There are always lots of suggestions, but most of them are “first aid” responses. You...
Episode 104: Showing up with Confidence at Your Next Big Event
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 104:Showing up with Confidence at Your Next Big Event If you’ve entered a big event and now you’re freaking out, this episode is for you. If you’re entered, but you feel unprepared or worried or not good enough, I’m here to help. ...
Episode 103: If You Feel Naked, You’re Doing it Right
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 103: If You Feel Naked, You’re Doing it Right In this episode, we are going to talk about riding naked… not in the literal sense though. This episode is about showing up with vulnerability and exposing yourself in your run. You’ve...
Episode 102: Confirmation Bias and Its Impact
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 102: Confirmation Bias and Its Impact Do you ever feel like someone is just absolutely out to lunch with their beliefs? You’ve maybe been feeling like this a lot lately. There seem to be a lot of polarizing topics out there...
Episode 101: Q&A-Taking it to the Next Level
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 101: Q&A-Taking it to the Next Level Today’s episode is based on a question from a listener. Question: Do you have any sage advice for someone who has a horse that is ready to move to the next level? Answer: Get honest about...
Episode 100: Reflect on What You See in the Mirror
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 100: Reflect on What You See in the Mirror Here we are at episode 100! This is epic for me to have consistently produced something 100 times in a row! In this episode, I’m talking about a social media post I wrote called The...
Episode 99: How to Know if You’re Out of Your Comfort Zone
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 99: How to Know if You’re Out of Your Comfort Zone I think it’s important to be able to recognize the signs of when you’re leaving your comfort zone, so you can acknowledge the feelings and then go ahead and do it anyway! Many...
Episode 98: 10 Horse & Life Lessons from Running 5km
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 98:10 Horse & Life Lessons from Running 5km I’ve been doing a thing lately… training to run 5 kilometers. I’ve had a lot of thoughts while running and I’m excited to share some of the lessons I’ve learned with you in this episode!...
Episode 97: Stop Leaving Your Brain at the Gate
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 97: Stop Leaving Your Brain at the Gate Have you ever had the feeling that you left your head on the fence post when you headed into the arena to show? After your run, you aren’t sure where you were or how you managed to complete your...
Episode 96: Use the Outside-in Approach for Added Perspective
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 96: Use the Outside-in Approach for Added Perspective I have a couple of approaches for you to use when you don’t see the way out of your situation and are having trouble finding answers to your problems. These are strategies I use...
Episode 95: Develop Resilience for Uncertainty
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 95: Develop Resilience for Uncertainty Our brains are like bodyguards working behind the scenes to keep us alive. That’s why we like outcomes that are highly predictable. We like when we have an idea of how things are going to go....
Episode 94: Overcoming Rider’s Block
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 94: Overcoming Rider’s Block “Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” ― Babe Ruth Don’t let the fear of getting it wrong stop you from getting started. This idea is really meaningful to me right now. I’ve...
Episode 93: Emotional Connections to Your Body
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 93: Emotional Connections to Your Body In this episode, I share how the unhealed traumas you have might be impacting your health, your body and maybe even your ability to ride. When you stuff those skeletons in the closet and don’t...
Episode 92: Repatterning Your Mind
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 92: Repatterning Your Mind When I started learning about habits and repatterning, it really helped me empathize with horses and how it can sometimes be hard for them to create new habits. Knowing how habits are created through neural...
Episode 91: Exploring Yin and Yang in Horsemanship with Cristy Duce
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 91: Exploring Yin and Yang in Horsemanship with Cristy Duce You’re in for a real treat today. I’m excited to introduce you to my friend and soul coach, Cristy Duce. I had some questions about feminine and masculine energy, the yin and...
Episode 90: Destination Addiction
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 90: Destination Addiction I’ll be happy when….. I know I’ll be good when… Once I do this, I’ll feel better… Once I lose the weight, get the house, win the rodeo…. If you’re attaching your happiness to an outcome, it’s very possible...
Episode 89: Interview with Adelle Stewart
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 89: Interview with Adelle Stewart We cover a lot in this episode with special guest Adelle Stewart. She’s got background with speaking, horses and health & wellness. In this episode, we talk about embracing a healthier lifestyle,...
Episode 88: Weight “Matters”
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 88: Weight “Matters” This episode is very personal as I share some of the troubles I’ve had with my own body image. I discuss the limiting beliefs and stories that we may have around weight. I also talk about whether or not weight...
Episode 87: Interview with Leslie Kinsel
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 87: Interview with Leslie Kinsel I may have had a fangirl moment when Leslie Kinsel replied to one of my newsletter emails. My email was about the concerns I have with the barrel racing industry and how it can be hard to watch the lack...
Episode 86: When to Quit on a Horse
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 86: When to Quit on a Horse It’s like we vow to never quit on a horse, but what if quitting is sometimes the right answer? What if we called it surrender? Would that make you feel better about not following through with a horse? Maybe...
Episode 85: Why Mental Toughness isn’t About Being Tough
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 85: Why Mental Toughness isn’t About Being Tough Mental toughness is really about being vulnerable and not really about being tough at all. You might have the tendency to think you need to cowgirl up, grind it out and be tough to do...
Episode 84: Your Part in Partnership
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 84: Your Part in Partnership Partnership is not imperative to win, but if you love horses, partnership is the icing on the cake. Partnership allows you to take it to the next level and compete with connection and synergy. You’ll get...
Episode 83: Tension Doesn’t Belong in Performance
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 83: Tension Doesn't Belong in Performance In this episode, I’m going to have you tune into your energy when I talk about performance in two different ways. I want you to notice which one feels best to you. I also want you to think...
Episode 82: Being Present isn’t Presence
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 82: Being Present isn’t Presence In this episode, I go into detail about the presence pillar of the Mindful Barrel Racer Framework. It’s all about being present, not only in body, but also in mind and in spirit. Being present can...
Episode 81: Change is Coming and You’re Invited
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 81: Change is Coming and You’re Invited In this episode, I’m calling on all equestrians who recognize the benefits of becoming more aware of our actions in the saddle to join my movement towards conscious and intentional partnering...