Competing with horses takes more than just horsemanship. It takes a mindset that can handle pressure and an attitude of perseverance. Each Thursday, join Michelle Davey in the Rider’s Mind Podcast as she takes a unique approach to help you create the results you want in the arena. You’ll learn why you’re at where you are, and how you can become a more confident and focused leader for your horse. It all starts with making changes from the inside out.


Are You Afraid Of Success?

Are You Afraid Of Success?

The Rider’s Mind Episode 8:  Are you afraid of success? We set goals, we do the work, we want to win. It seems a little crazy to think that someone would be afraid of success, but sometimes there is a conflict in our brain.  One part of our brain wants to...

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How To Get Out Of A Rut

How To Get Out Of A Rut

Episode 7:  How to get out of a rut Whether you’re in a rut now or have been there before, listen to this episode for tips on how to get out of a rut. If you like what you’re hearing on this podcast, join The Rider’s Mind Facebook Group for more tips and...

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Money Mindset For Horse People

Money Mindset For Horse People

Money Mindset For Horse People Ep. 6 Listen to this episode for tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money.  We’ll also debunk some common “myths” when thinking about your finances. Show Notes: One thing I notice with people in the horse...

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3 Actionable Tips To Help You Focus

3 Actionable Tips To Help You Focus

3 Actionable Tips To Improve Your Focus in The Competition Arena Ep. 5 Focus is being able to keep your mind on the task at hand.  It is very important when we work with horses and compete. When we are in the arena, focus involves not being distracted by...

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Mindfulness Tips For Horse People

Mindfulness Tips For Horse People

Mindfulness Tips For Horse People Ep. 4 Listen to this episode for great tips on how to be more mindful, which can lead to a better relationship with your horse.     Show Notes: What is mindfulness? Well, it’s not about a FULL mind.  It is the mental state...

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Are You “Enough”?

Are You “Enough”?

Are You Enough? - Ep. 3 If you’re the kind of person that is always trying to do more, be more, achieve more.. you might want to listen to this episode on enoughness.   Show Notes: What if we have “I am not enough” programmed into our subconscious mind? ...

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Is Your Energy Impacting Your Horse?

Is Your Energy Impacting Your Horse?

How Your Energy Impacts Your Horse - Ep. 2 Have you ever been around someone super cranky and you couldn’t get away from them fast enough?  What if you are that person to your horse? Listen to this episode to learn more about how your energy impacts your...

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What if you could never fail?  –  Ep. 1

What if you could never fail? – Ep. 1

What if you could never fail? Episode #1 - The Rider's Mind Podast If you could learn to never fail again, would you go for it?  What would you do tomorrow if you knew you only had to fail one more time before you had your big breakthrough?   In this...

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Do You Have An Upper Limit Problem?

Do You Have An Upper Limit Problem?

Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your progress? Are you trying to compete at a higher level but you just can’t get over the hump? Or maybe you’ve made a huge advancement only to be set back on your ass. Have you considered it could be an upper limit...

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The story I’m sticking to

The story I’m sticking to

I drove 14 hrs by myself, spent more money than I want to know and almost fell off. This screenshot really doesn't do the whole situation justice. I did a couple "air barrels" while hanging off my horses face and got a no time. I looked like a fool and...

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When you feel “meh” about someone else’s success

When you feel “meh” about someone else’s success

Do you know that feeling when you watch someone make a run and you don't really feel like celebrating for them? Like you don't feel anything bad towards them, but you just kind of feel "meh" - that was nice for them. Then do you kind of feel like a bad...

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Should I Enter The Barrel Racing Or Not?

Should I Enter The Barrel Racing Or Not?

I had another great question submitted from a follower.     An entry deadline is fast approaching and she's not sure if she should enter or not.  She's wondering where her reservations are coming from.  Is it because she doesn't feel ready or fast enough? ...

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Feeling Like A Fraud In The Horse World

Feeling Like A Fraud In The Horse World

  Have you ever felt like you aren't good enough or you don't belong? Are you trying to achieve a goal but wonder "who am I"? to be doing this? Who am I to be entering rodeos when I have never won a jackpot? Who am I to be taking training horses when...

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Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

I went live on Facebook to talk about fear and how we should get used to the discomfort it brings and just power through it.   I'm not specifically talking about the fear of when we're in actual danger.   I'm talking about those times where we really don't...

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3 Things I Need You To Know

3 Things I Need You To Know

I showed up on Facebook live several times with "3 things" when I was doing the promotions for Mental Toughness Boot Camp. I don't love doing videos as I feel I should brush my hair and wear some makeup for them. I even had to wear different clothes each...

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When perfect doesn’t pay

When perfect doesn’t pay

  I'll either be Tough Love or Captain Obvious here, but I'm here to say - You are not perfect. I'm not perfect. Your horse is not perfect.  So why do we try to be perfect? Why do we try and make our horses perfect? Why do we enter the arena with the...

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Why riders “shit the bed” in competition

Why riders “shit the bed” in competition

You’ve probably had amazing rides or runs at home. We’re all masters of our own backyards and if there were ribbons for those amazing runs we’d have enough for a full blanket. But when you get to a competition you – “shit the bed”.

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How To Deal With Mean Girls

How To Deal With Mean Girls

We've all dealt with them and if we're being really honest, we've probably been a "mean girl" at some point too. Ouch. Yeah, you. Mean girls are the girls that talk behind our backs, say negative things about us (and maybe even our horse). They criticize and they make...

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My Dirty Little Secret

My Dirty Little Secret

It’s been going on for 5 or 6 months now and there are only a few people I’ve confessed to. At first, I was so ashamed I wasn’t sure I’d ever share this little secret. But here I am - over it (mostly) and ready to confess. I felt like I didn’t have my shit together...

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My bad experience with a great book

My bad experience with a great book

They say you get more of what you focus on. This summer I was reading the book Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. It's a really good book but I had to stow it away 3/4's read. The book and I, we're on a breather and I'm not sure when I'll be "brave enough" to pick it up...

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Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

    Damn funny. If you don't know me well, you wouldn't know how funny I am. I don't just go and sprinkle my funny just anywhere. I probably think I'm funnier than most do but that's ok. This is my favorite picture of the entire photo shoot (and I'm sorry...

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Get “The Law” On Your Side

Get “The Law” On Your Side

Aside from putting the work in, there is something else you can add to your toolbox to help accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams. The Law of Attraction is one of the Universal laws that states we attract into our lives what we focus on. If you focus on all...

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10 Day Love Yourself Challenge

10 Day Love Yourself Challenge

  If you don't love yourself, who will? Sorry, not sorry for the tough love!    But we teach others how to treat us, based on how we treat ourselves. No, I don't mean go and buy yourself a bunch of expensive stuff and all your people will start buying you...

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Being the light and building Squiggles part 2

Being the light and building Squiggles part 2

I feel like I could write a book on "building Squiggles". I've had this horse since she was born but it feels like we have packed half the chapters in just the last month since I wrote about her last. A lot of what happened between part 1 and 2 was really more about...

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Building Squiggles

Building Squiggles

Part 1 This summer I've been riding and training a horse named Squiggles. She's 5 years old and one that I have raised and other than the first 40 days, have done all the work on. I was going to sell Squiggles when she was young because I didn't think I needed a horse...

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My Feels Were Mixed Up

My Feels Were Mixed Up

A couple weeks ago I entered a jackpot on my 5-year-old mare. We are in the building up speed and confidence stage so it was a bit of a blow when she caught a leg fell right down at the third barrel. We were making a really nice run too. She went down, got up and we...

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Questions and Answers 2.1

Here are the video and audio downloads for the questions that I have answered each week.    Feel free to submit questions anytime. Remember you also have access to the videos from the March 2018 group questions.  There is a lot of great info jam-packed into those...

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Chasing The Elusive Last Second

Chasing The Elusive Last Second

One of the groovy things about me is that when I'm going through something, someone else is often going through it at the same time. This was confirmed to me when a friend and client reached out to me expressing how she's been a bit frustrated with her horses since...

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What The Helmet!

What The Helmet!

I've been sporting a new look lately and honestly, I'm not overly thrilled with it. I'm closer to being okay with it than I was, but I still don't feel super confident with it. The look I'm talking about is the helmet look. The day after my 40th birthday I started...

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Horses Don’t Give A Damn

Horses Don’t Give A Damn

Don't get me wrong, there are many things that horses care about. But to be frank, they don't care about most of the things you and I tend to focus on. Above all, horses do care about whether or not they are fed and watered and if they are comfortable in the elements....

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When Unmet Expectations Ruin Your Day

When Unmet Expectations Ruin Your Day

It's taken me a while to learn this, and honestly, it's still a work in progress and practice. There is a balance to be found in all of this, but expecting something to go a certain way is a sure fire way to find yourself disappointed. Here is what I have to keep tabs...

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I’m All The Things I Said I’d Never Be

I’m All The Things I Said I’d Never Be

Maybe it's something about turning 40 today or getting some cancer cut out of me last year. It could be because I lost a family member recently or the life review I did when almost t-boning a utility truck. I'm not sure, but I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately...

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Course Completion Survey

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this course evaluation.   I appreciate you! Remember to download your course bonus available in the dashboard.   It's a 16-minute pre-event pick me up and ground me...

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