Competing with horses takes more than just horsemanship. It takes a mindset that can handle pressure and an attitude of perseverance. Each Thursday, join Michelle Davey in the Rider’s Mind Podcast as she takes a unique approach to help you create the results you want in the arena. You’ll learn why you’re at where you are, and how you can become a more confident and focused leader for your horse. It all starts with making changes from the inside out.
Episode 80: Why Mindset Matters
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 80: Why Mindset Matters In this episode, I share why mindset matters and how the 3 pillars of my Mindful Barrel Racer Framework can help you succeed with your horse. You’re invited to The Rise of the Mindful Barrel Racer! Register here...
Episode 79: The Pressure Puzzle
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 79: The Pressure Puzzle I’ve been studying the horse’s nervous system and learning to pay attention to their state of arousal. I’ve been training with this in mind and I’m excited to share with you what I’ve learned! In this episode,...
Episode 78: Q&A – How can I reset after a bad experience?
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 78: Q&A - How can I reset after a bad experience? This Q&A episode will help you overcome a challenging incident with your horse. If your horse has run up the wall, tripped and fell, struggled at the gate or faced some other...
Episode 77:How to Use Your Mirror Neurons to Learn
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 77: How to Use Your Mirror Neurons to Learn If you’ve had anything to do with 4H, you’ve probably heard the saying “learn to do by doing.” Today, I’m sharing about learning by watching. You have special neurons called mirror neurons...
Episode 76: Surprising Reasons You’re Not Winning
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 76: Surprising Reasons You’re Not Winning I’ll be the last person to tell you that you’re not working hard enough or you’re not trying hard enough. That’s NOT it. In this episode, I share some surprising reasons why you’re not...
Episode 75: The Highlight Reel
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 75: The Highlight Reel Have you heard of the highlight reel? It’s when you see someone and they tell you about the two awesome things going on in their life and now, you also see the highlight reel on social media. You see all the fun...
Episode 74: Interview with Nancy Csabay
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 74: Interview with Nancy Csabay I’m excited and honoured to share this interview with Nancy Csabay. Nancy is a two-time Canadian champion barrel racer and the owner of Little Miss Wicked, the 2015 Canadian Barrel Racing Horse with the...
Episode 73: Trust Your Vibes – Encore Episode
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 73: Trust Your Vibes - Encore Episode This is an “encore episode” of Episode 48: Trust Your Vibes. I trust that this is the message you need right now. If you’ve listened to this episode before, I think you might hear something...
Episode 72: Planning for 2021
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 72: Planning for 2021 This episode is about goal setting for 2021. I’ve never been much of a goal setter, but I do feel it’s important to have something you’re working towards. When things get tough, you’ll remember what you’re working...
Episode 71: The Energy of Fear and Your Health
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 71: The Energy of Fear and Your Health Warning: This episode is not so much about you as a rider, but more about you as a person. I share about how we can easily end up manifesting negative things in our lives, specifically manifesting...
Episode 70: Interview with Phil Haugen
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 70: Interview with Phil Haugen Professional horse trainer and clinician, Phil Haugen joins me for this episode. Phil has over 30 years of training experience. He has competed in calf roping, team roping and saddle bronc riding in the...
Episode 69: What it Means to Ride the Stride
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 69: What it Means to Ride the Stride Maybe you’ve wondered what I’m talking about when I say “Ride the Stride” or perhaps you’ve come up with your own meaning. In this episode, I’ll share what it means to Ride the Stride. If you’re on...
Episode 68: Q & A – Finding Your Winter Riding Groove
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 68: Q & A - Finding Your Winter Riding Groove Are you a fair weather rider? It can be hard to get motivated to ride on cold winter days. This episode is based on a listener question from the The Rider’s Mind Community and I’m...
Episode 67: 3 Types of Horsepeople to Watch Out For
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 67: 3 Types of Horsepeople to Watch Out For In this episode, I discuss three types of people who may impact your vibe and your ride. These are people you want to avoid or learn to establish boundaries with. Watch out for: the person...
Episode 66: The Horse as a Vehicle for Transformation
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 66: The Horse as a Vehicle for Transformation Warning: I get a little emotional in this episode as I reflect and celebrate the transformation of my personal life thanks to my horses. I think you’ll enjoy this episode and I hope you’ll...
Episode 65: Why am I so nervous?
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 65: Why am I so nervous? You might often think or say “I’m so nervous” but have you ever taken time when you’re not nervous to think about the root cause of your nervousness? In this episode, I explore some causes of nervousness....
Episode 64: The Trouble with Turning Out
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 64: The Trouble with Turning Out Nobody wants to be a quitter. Everybody wants a chance to play, but sometimes you have to make the tough decision to turn out of an event. In this episode, I share what goes through my mind when I...
Episode 63: Doing Due Diligence
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 63: Doing Due Diligence In this episode, I talk about doing your vet work and having a great equine health team on your side. You want to be your horse’s best health advocate so he can show up and be his best self. I’ve seen several...
Episode 62: Signs and Symbols
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 62: Signs and Symbols If you often see repeating number patterns or notice certain symbols or animals, you’ll be interested in this episode. I talk about how you can ask for symbols and signs, how to start seeing them and where to go...
Episode 61: Increase Your Rebound Rate
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 61: Increase Your Rebound Rate In this episode, I share about rebound rate. I’ll give some advice about how to get back on track after a setback. Your rebound rate is possibly the sum of your recovery rate. Those smaller, everyday...
Episode 60: Increase Your Recovery Rate
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 60: Increase Your Recovery Rate In this episode, I’m talking about the concept of recoveries. In particular, I talk about getting yourself out of active thoughts and into a neutral state. This is a helpful practice to use in all...
Episode 59: Get Comfortable with Pride
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 59: Get Comfortable with Pride We all want to win and find success, but when we get to the top, there can be some awkward feelings. Sharing your success on social media or talking about your wins can feel like you’re bragging. You...
Episode 58: Your Pre-run Routine
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 58: Your Pre-run Routine In this episode, I talk about the pros and cons of having a pre-ride or pre-run routine. My horses find a lot of security in my pre-ride routine and this can also apply pre-competition. There’s something to be...
Episode 57: Why we are so negative
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 57: Why we are so negative You know you should be more positive. You know the benefits, but for some reason, you keep sliding back into negativity. There is a reason for why this happens...let me tell you about it in this episode. If...
Episode 56: Answering Awkward Questions
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 56: Answering Awkward Questions This episode is based on a question from a listener. She wondered how you might respond to the question, “Are you any good?” I’ve been asked many awkward questions and have heard some awkward comments… ...
Episode 55: 3 Mindset Mistakes
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 55: 3 Mindset Mistakes As my kids like to say, “it’s opposite day”! I’m not coming to you with tips this time, I’m coming to you with mindset mistakes. If you reverse engineer these, you’ll find the tips within. Today, we’re tackling...
Episode 54: How to Get out of Your Head
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 54: How to Get out of Your Head What is “being in your own head”? It’s that “monkey mind” way of thinking. A lot of the time it is our fears being put into words and thoughts. All of your what ifs and worries come out. Recognize that...
Episode 53: The Trouble with Winning
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 53: The Trouble with Winning We work hard for it and we finally get it: we WIN! ...but then comes the trouble with continuing to win and not choking because you have an expectation of winning... How could there possibly be trouble with...
Episode 52: Self-Love and Horsemanship
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 52: Self-Love and Horsemanship I didn’t always know that self-love was a thing (and an important thing). I also wasn’t aware of the great impact it would have on my mindset, mental toughness and my overall happiness. In this episode, I...
Episode 51: Handling Habits
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 51: Handling Habits Whether you judge them as good habits or bad habits, we all have habits. Habits are behaviors which we repeat enough times that they become automatic. In this episode, I share more about the many layers of habits...
Episode 50: How Self-Sabotage Shows Up
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 50: How Self-Sabotage Shows Up I have a tendency to self-sabotage my goals and dreams, but I have showed up for fifty episodes of The Rider’s Mind and I’m really proud of this! In this episode, I’ll talk about how self-sabotage...
Episode 49: Your Horse and Your Baggage
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 49: Your Baggage and Your Horse In this episode, I talk about emotional baggage and how it impacts your riding and your relationship with your horse. Whether you feel like you have emotional baggage or not, there are probably emotions...
Episode 48: Trust Your Vibes
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 48: Trust Your Vibes Whether you call it your “spiny senses”, “gut feeling”, “intuition” or your “knowing”, I believe we all have this sense. In this episode, I give you some ideas of how to use your intuition. No matter what you call...
Episode 47: It’s Not Your Horse. It’s You.
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 47: It’s Not Your Horse. It’s You. It’s not your horse. It’s you. It’s our job to show up for our horses so they can perform at their highest level. In this episode, I talk about all the responsibilities we have as horse people. We...
Episode 46: How to Avoid Drama
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 46: How to Avoid Drama I’ve had a few people ask questions about avoiding drama. In this episode, I’ll share my suggestions for recognizing the role you play in drama and how you can avoid it. Drama is like a game or a play. Everyone...
Episode 45: The Highly Sensitive Horseperson
The Rider’s Mind Podcast Episode 45: The Highly Sensitive Horseperson 10 years ago, I didn’t even know that being a highly sensitive person was a thing. Once I learned that I am a highly sensitive person, it changed my life. Whether you are a highly sensitive person...